This evening Surrey Fitness Centres member David Barnett was awarded our latest ‘Member of the Month’ at our Haslemere Boot Camp session!

David has been a member for just over two years and we often remind him//wind him up about his first session with us on a summers evening in Liphook when he seriously suggested we ‘might need to call for an ambulance’! Safe to say Dave wasn’t the fittest person when he first came to us!

Fast forward two years and we have a completely different person. Initially coming once a week David is now a super-regular coming to 2-3 sessions per week and is one of our fittest members and has gone on to complete various fitness events/races.

For us Dave is one of the nicest member you’ll meet, has been incredibly loyal to SFC and a top bloke. He is a hugely popular – every member and all our team here at SFC think Dave is great, someone that has embraced what SFC is all about in creating a fun, relaxed, friendly sessions where people come to a session, feel welcome and form great friendships.

Pop over to our Facebook page to get David a ‘Well done’!

Well done Dave (‘Princess’) and a massive ‘thank you’ from us at Surrey Fitness Centres for all your support!