Another weekly Boot Camp in Godalming! We are adding another class to our Godalming timetable – Sundays at 8:30am (yes that’s 8:30am) at Holloway Hill Recreation Ground, Busbridge.
Remember ALL members can attend ALL classes on our timetable – any location/venue/class!
We have more new classes coming on the timetable at various locations over the next few weeks so watch this space.
This will be the sixth weekly Godalming class making Surrey Fitness Centre’s membership even greater value!
Godalming timetable
Mondays, 7:30pm at Priors Field School
Tuesdays, 9:30am at Holloway Hill Rec (term time only)
Wednesdays, 7:45pm at Priors Field School (‘Warrior Boxing’)
Fridays, 9:30am at Holloway Hill Rec
Saturdays, 9am at Holloway Hill Rec
Sundays, 8:30am at Holloway Hill Rec
Look forward to seeing lots of you at this new class!